Thursday, November 15, 2012

This roller coaster ride is KILLING me!!

Okay, this is it. I need to figure out a way to stop this sugar/no sugar roller coaster. I'll go a few weeks eating really healthy and then BOOM! I'll cave in and stuff myself with gigantuous amounts of sugar - mostly in the form of cookies and chocolate. I just finished said binge over the last two days. I'm going to figure this out! All advice is welcome!

In the meantime, I'm back on the health kick (at least for the next few weeks) and I welcome you along for the ride (if you so dare). So, over the next 21 days (minus Thanksgiving day) I'll blog about my food concoctions that will be heavily focused toward recipes that are very low on processed foods and dairy, and very high on veggies, fruits, and whole grains. When I eat this way, I feel great!


Liz Reilly said...
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Liz Reilly said...

I'll also be posting on Twitter: @foodchirpsByLiz