Monday, January 28, 2013

Watermelon-Tomato and Parsley Smoothie

Day 5 Smoothie!

The Watermelon-Tomato Smoothie is light, mild, and refreshing. Enjoy!

3 cups diced watermelon
One tomato cored and cut into chunks
2 cups of ice
Quarter cup of water
2 tablespoons lime juice
Small handful of parsley

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pear-Swiss Chard Smoothie

Good morning peeps! It's a chilly, but beautiful saturday morning today. Day Three's smoothie is a good one to get your pep up today!

5-6 Swiss Chard leaves
1 large pear
1 orange, peeled
1 inch knob of ginger
Juice of 1 lime
2 cups ice

I don't peel fruit or vegetables unless it isn't edible. If you don't peel the produce, some say you should buy organic.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Watermelon-Date and Spinach Smoothie

Day 4 Smoothie Challenge!

If you are looking for something mild and sweet this morning, this is it.

2 cups watermelon
1 cup water
1 pitted date
1 big handful of spinach
1/4 cup parsley

Kale-Cucumber Apple Smoothie

Good Morning!  Welcome to Day 2 of the smoothie challenge!!

This is another smoothie that will give you a little "zing" this morning. The zing will come from the 1/2 lemon instead of the ginger used in yesterday's smoothie. One thing to note is that my blender is a 64 oz size which means that I typically make large batches of smoothie at a time. I'll make it in the morning and sip it throughout the day.  This recipe makes about 4 cups. If you have a smaller blender, you'll need to cut this recipe in half.

1 cup water
2 1/2 cups green grapes
1 orange, peeled and halved
1/2 lemon, peeled and seeded
1/2 cucumber, cut in large chunks
1/2 apple, seeded
1 cup kale
1 cup romaine lettuce
1 cup fresh parsley
1 cup frozen mango chunks (or pineaple in fine)
2 cups ice cubes
2 tbsps of flax seed

Put ingredients in blender in order listed and blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Ginger-Carrot Smoothie

This morning's Smoothie was a winner with me. Zingy and Yummy! Just throw 2 carrots, 1 apple, 2 tsp fresh grated ginger, 1/2 an orange, 1/4 cup orange juice, 2 cups of ice, and 1 Tbsp Agave nectar in the blender!  The taste of this smoothie reminds me of those orange popsicles I used to eat as a kid - I miss those!