Friday, January 25, 2013

Kale-Cucumber Apple Smoothie

Good Morning!  Welcome to Day 2 of the smoothie challenge!!

This is another smoothie that will give you a little "zing" this morning. The zing will come from the 1/2 lemon instead of the ginger used in yesterday's smoothie. One thing to note is that my blender is a 64 oz size which means that I typically make large batches of smoothie at a time. I'll make it in the morning and sip it throughout the day.  This recipe makes about 4 cups. If you have a smaller blender, you'll need to cut this recipe in half.

1 cup water
2 1/2 cups green grapes
1 orange, peeled and halved
1/2 lemon, peeled and seeded
1/2 cucumber, cut in large chunks
1/2 apple, seeded
1 cup kale
1 cup romaine lettuce
1 cup fresh parsley
1 cup frozen mango chunks (or pineaple in fine)
2 cups ice cubes
2 tbsps of flax seed

Put ingredients in blender in order listed and blend until smooth. Enjoy!


denise said...

Hi Liz,
Just found your blog while perusing blogs in CT, (I'm outside of Hartford.) Who knew there are over 37,000 bloggers in CT?

As a smoothie and Vitamix lover, and other clean foods, having gone grain free over a year ago, I'd like to follow you but would like to do it via email. Can you put a 'follow by email' widget on your blog? If I follow by rss feed, I'll never get to reading and would miss out on tasty food and smoothie ideas.

Liz Reilly said...

Hi Denise,

Thank you for following my blog. I have included a "follow by e-mail" gadget, so all set.

Stay warm out there!


denise said...

You're quick! signing up now.

Warm? what's that? ;)